EBP offers a rapidly expanding selection of environmental and safety quick reference tools that contain step-by-step procedures and relevant illustrations related to spill response, waste management, and safety.
Based upon customer preference, each quick reference tool can be produced as a decal, magnet, polystyrene card, vinyl banner or aluminum sign so that it can be used in the facility where oil, fuel, and other chemicals are physically being stored and used. Additionally, the content of each quick reference tool can be customized to incorporate site specific information related to the facility; allowing facility personnel to initiate immediate actions that are appropriate to the situation and minimize unnecessary risk that could otherwise result in injury or increase environmental liabilities.
Quick reference spill cards can be used to satisfy the requirement of 40 CFR 112.7(a)(5) that dictates that Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan include procedures that can be used when a discharge occurs and that those procedures be presented in a manner that makes them readily usable (and accessible) in an emergency. For more information about Quick Reference Spill Cards, click on the image of the spill kit provided below.
The Hazard Communication Standard was changed to conform to the internationally accepted Global Harmonization System. By December 1, 2013 all employers were required to provide personnel that handle hazardous materials with training about the new Safety Data Sheets and chemical labeling system. In order to elevate awareness, EBP has produced the Global Harmonization System (GHS) Quick Reference & Training Poster. For more information about the GHS Quick Reference & Training Poster, click on the Safety Tools image listed below.
For additional information about all of EBPs environmental and safety quick reference tools contact Bill Decker directly at (904) 287-4200 or bdecker@ebpartners.us.